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Lock chamber in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2021-06-24Updated:2021-06-24
Similar words: chamberchamberschamberedgas chamberchamber potchamberpotbedchamberchambermaidMeaning: n. enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it. 
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1. The size of the lock chamber restricts the size of boats which can use a particular canal.
2. The load lock chamber may be provided with at least two mutually distinct object support positions.
3. Technical measures taken for the Zaohe 3rd lock chamber are discussed in view of the construction characteristics and thorny problems and according to the construction procedure.
4. The arranging of three-gorges permanent lock chamber is a multi-objective planning problem.
5. The calculation methods of lock chamber wall are mostly approximate with many assumptions, which still need proving both by theory and experiments.
6. Besides, many affecting factors, such as lock chamber dimensions, lock valve conditions and single or multi flight lock situations have been discussed.
7. The results show that edge-shape of lock chamber ports, culvert length and head loss in culvert will all affect the distribution of port discharge.
8. At once, Poole could hear the throbbing of the pumps as precious air was sucked out of the lock chamber.
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9. This machinery insurance-type role to ensure that the delayed action only in the lock chamber when the pressure dropped to a certain value.
10. By means of numerical calculation, the distribution of flow in a lock chamber manifold is investigated. The results show that edge-shape of lock chamber ports, culvert length an...
11. The second part is about the aseismic analysis of lock chamber of Pubugou hydroelectric power station. The study results offer the rule of designing of lock chamber structure.
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